
Belgian Jewels

Border Collie and Belgian Tervueren

Daron's puppies with Kayza of Hakinka's Home have all found a new home

Website has been updated


2019 / 04 / 10


Unfortunately Hayk took his final trip over the rainbow bridge




Daron had a date with Kayza of Hakinka's Home

Color Genetics

Only the genes that are important for the breed are listed in more detail.


The locus B (for Black)

Almost all  Belgian Shepherds are homozygous for the B-locus. In exceptional cases a liver colored Malinois and Tervueren have been found.

So B- and bb

The locus K (for Black)

Most of our Groenendaels are KB- .  Groenendael that produce fauve and black & tan belgians are heterozygote and have the genetic formula of KBky.  All our laekenois, malinois and tervueren are kyk

Although brindle used to be part of the genetic make-up of the Belgian Shepherd, the gene has been eliminated by selecting against this trait

The locus A (for Agouti)

For most of our Groenendaels we don't know what they carry on the A locus since the K locus masks the result.  Only for dogs that have produced tervueren, we can have an idea on what is at the A locus.  In a few cases 2 tervuerens have produced black dogs.  This recessive black is not due to the K locus but is a result of the most recessive form of the A locus (aa).  Although Black & Tan (atat) Belgians exist, they are rare.  The large majority of our Belgians are Ay-.

The E locus (for extension)

Only E and Em are found in our dogs.  In our fauve dogs it is relatively easy to to determine if a dog is carrier of the E allel since the dog lacks a mask.  In our groenendaels it is more difficult since we cannot see any mask due to the overall black color

The C Locus (for coloration)

Recently this gene has been redefined and only 2 possibilities remain.  Full coloration or albino.  All our Belgians have their full color (CC).  The previous Chinchilla is no longer applicable accoriding to the latest information

The I Locus (for intensity)

This gene is one of the latest genes that have been postulated based on breeding data.  Dogs with a full red coat are II, dogs with a diluted coat are Ii (light dilution) or ii (heavy dilution)

The locus D (for Dilution)

Recently there are dogs that carry the d gene resulting in a blue-ish mask and charbonnage.  For now, only our malinois show this trait.

The Locus S (for White)

Only the S and si allel are present in our Belgians resulting in the white markings on the chest and toes in some dogs.

The Locus T for Ticking, The locus M for Merle, The locus H for Harlequin and The Locus G for grisonnement are not present in our Belgian Shepherd